this is the first time i entirely drunk
i don't know why i'll do that , maybe is upset , maby it's too sand, maybe it's just iwant to
one can should could let me drunk, but i took two
it was dinner time ,but i don't want to eat
seems like the Dementor is sitting on me
the hole world's happy is leaving me
hope i know the way to defeat it
but i don't know
use "Expecto Patronum" ?
i don't even have the wand...
when i walk back after bought that
i suddenly understand one think you told me
"people could not leave alchohol after break up"
i didn't understnad that time
but i understand now
it can let you run away this world temporary untill you wake
so i did that , just like what you have done
drunk like you
lie on the ground, like you
keep trying get up and failed again and again and again, like you
but there's one thing i could'nt like you
to burst in to tears
i can't , i just can't
it happend everytime i sad
i just can't let the tear comes out
how i have wish i could do that , just like you
let those bad emotions goes out through my eyes
so i keep dinking, even i was drunk
i still toss off two of that
and loss conscious on the ground......